2018_environmental installation
Teatro della Triennale di Milano
Materials: cosmic rays, green lasers, image from Hubble on screen, sound
* Each atom in our body comes from a star that exploded. T
he atoms in our left hand probably come from a different star than those in our right hand.
It’s one of the most poetic things in physics.
All of us could not be here if the stars had not exploded, because the elements concerning evolution - such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron - were not created at the beginning of time but were created in the nuclear furnace of the stars.So, The stars were kind enough to explode so that we could be here now. We are, dust of stars.

Theatrical adaptation of the installation Flow - created inside the Teatro dell’Arte of the Triennale di Milano for the Corriere della Sera.
The audience saw the image of a star exploding on the central screen placed on the stage of the theater, while a narrating voice told how our existence was determined by the death of the stars*. When the image disappeared, the installation was activated; every time a star exploded in the universe and its cosmic rays fell into the theatre, the work lit up green lasers and the sound of a gong was diffused into the environment. (This is thanks to a particle detection tool, really present in the room, built in collaboration with the physicist Francesco Bevacqua.
This work is a reflection on life, death, transformation, the work creates an intimate moment, a live encounter with the universe and with what is constantly happening outside our planet.