Federica Di Carlo (1984)
Lavora tra Milano e Roma
I suoi lavori sono stati esposti in musei e collezioni nazionali ed internazionali.
Arte e scienza si incontrano spesso all’interno della sua ricerca, dove, l’osservazione degli equilibri del mondo ne è la base.
Indagando i limiti e le connessioni tra esistenza, essere umano e natura da anni affronta la tensione che si genera tra questi.
Collabora spesso con gli scienziati e fisici dei vari centri di ricerca nel mondo per la realizzazione delle sue opere.
Non utilizza un media specifico, ma costruisce mondi nei quali immergersi, installazioni ambientali dove l’elemento naturale come la luce, l’acqua, la gravità o l’energia di particelle cosmiche, subentra nel completamento dell’opera stessa.
I suoi lavori sembrano raccontare zone d’interferenzache la scienza tende a rifiutare perché fuori da schemi prestabiliti, ma in realtà, diventano per l’artista materiale d’indagine e riflessione per significati altri.
Mostre principali_
There is no place like Home/Rome, Mandrione; Io Dico Io, La Galleria Nazionale, Roma; The Quest for Happiness – Italian Art Now, Serlachius Museums;Passione, Mart, Museo d'arte moderna e contemporanea di Rovereto con Fondazione VAF, Rovereto; Post-Water, Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino; We Lost The Sea, Arsenale della Marina Regia, Palermo; Waves, L’Ascensore, Palermo; Women, GABA.MC Museum; Encovention Europe: Art to Trasform Ecologies, 1957-2017, Museum De Domijnen, curated by Sue Spaid, Sittard, NL; Inscape Rooms-La vita della mente, Istituto Svizzero, Rome, Italy; The sea is blue because you want to know why the sea is blue, Tour de la Babote, Bureau des Arts et Territoires, Montpellier, Francia; Museo MASS MoCA, North Adams (MA); Francesco Fabbri per le arti contemporanee, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligno; There is no place like home, Roma; Crossover, MAXXI Museo, Roma; Transfusioni #2-Federica Di Carlo/Luca Maria Patella, Fondazione Archivio Menna-Binga, Roma; Centre d'Art Santa Monica, Barcellona; From the City, Galleria A plus A, Venezia; Art is Real, una collezione impermanente, Palazzo Pasquino, Roma; Palomar; Arte nel giardino di Irene Brin, Galleria Nazionale d’arte moderna, Roma; Un’opera per il castello, Museum Castel Sant’Elmo, Napoli.
Premi e Residenze- Workshop_
2020_ Résidence St-Ange, Grenoble, France
2018_Noa Noa residency, Bali, Indonesia
2017_The Spur Project - The Bureau des Arts et Territoires, Montpellier, France
2016_Studio MASS MOCA Museum, residency, North Adams, Massachusetts, MA.
2016_Combat Prize, special mention, Museum G. Fattori, Livorno, Italy
2015_Residency, #BoCS , Martedì critici - Alberto Dambruoso, Cosenza, Italy.
2015_Workshop as assistant for the artist Choi Jeong Hwa, Trasformers Exhibition, MAXXI, Rome, Italy
2015_Prize– Arte nel giardino di Irene Brin, tird place, in collaboration with the National Gallery of Mondern and Contemporary art of Rome, Italy.
2015_Un’opera per il castello, finalist, Museum Castel Sant’Elmo, Naples, Italy.
2014_Off Site Art, curated by Veronica Santi and Rodney Durso, L’Aquila, Italy.
2022_L’Ascensore, Tissut Production -Ragusa
2021_ Io Dico Io, La Galleria Nazionale -Roma, Published by Silvana Editoriale
2021_Mind the Gap. La vita tra bioarte, arte ecologica e post internet by Elena Giulia Rossi,Postmedia Books
2021_Arte e tecnologia del terzo millennio. Scenari e protagonisti, I Quaderni della Collezione Farnesina, Electa, Milano, 2020 by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, Valentino Catricalà
2020_We Lost The Sea_Federica Di Carlo, Manfredi Edizioni, Italy
2020_Roma nuda. 60 conversazioni sull’arte, Giuseppe Armogida
2019_The Quest of Happiness, Serlachius Museum di Mänttä, Parvs Publishing Ltd
2019_Miriabilia Urbis, Viaindustriale publishing
2018_Italy and the Environmental Humanities. Landscapes, Natures, Ecologies, Serenella Iovino, Enrico Cesaretti and Elena Past, Published by The University of Virginia Press
2017_“Ecovention Europe: Art to Transform Ecologies, 1957-2017”,Sue Spaid, Print edition ©2017 Museum De Domijnen Hedendaagse Kunst
2017_Bocs Art - Residenze artistiche internazionali a cura di Alberto Dambruoso, Manfredi Editori, Italy.
2016_Combat Prize 2016, Museum G. Fattori, Livorno, Italy.
2015 _Arte in costruzione – a pubblic art project for L’Aquila, UAO Edition, L’Aquila, Italy.
2015 _Un’opera per il castello, ARTE,M edition, Naples, Italy.
2015 _Vestiges, Yard Press, Nero magazine, Rome, Italy.
2014 _Federica Di Carlo, Edizioni Marte, Marchesi grafiche, Rome.
2012 _CO. CO. CO. - Como Contemporany Contest, Como.
2011 _Fabula in Art, Il cigno GG edition, Rome.
Federica Di Carlo (1984)
Works between Milan and Rome
Her works have been exhibited in national and international museums and collections.
Art and science often meet within her research, where the observation of the balance of the world is the basis.
The observation of the world’s balance is the basis Federica Di Carlo’s research. By investigating the limits but also the connections between existence, the human being and nature, for years she has faced the tension that is generated between them.
Often collaborating with scientists and physicists of the various research centers in the world for the creation of her artworks.
She does not use a specific media, but often builds worlds in which to immerse oneself, as in her environmental installations, where an element like light becomes matter to be modulated, shaped through knowledge and study of physical laws. Her works narrate zones of interference that science tends to reject because they are outside predetermined schemes. These paradoxes become material for the artist to investigate and reflect on other meanings.
Selection Shows_
There is no place like Home/Rome, Mandrione; Io Dico Io, National Gallery of Rome; Passione, Mart, Museum of Modern and contemporary art , Rovereto; VAF Fondation; Post-Water, Nazional Museum of the Mountain, Torino; We Lost The Sea, Arsenale della Marina Regia, Palermo; Waves, L’Ascensore, Palermo; Women, GABA.MC Museum; Encovention Europe: Art to Trasform Ecologies, 1957-2017, Museum De Domijnen, curated by Sue Spaid, Sittard, NL; Inscape Rooms-La vita della mente, Istituto Svizzero, Rome, Italy; The sea is blue because you want to know why the sea is blue, Tour de la Babote, Bureau des Arts et Territoires, Montpellier, France Museo MASS MoCA, North Adams (MA); Francesco Fabbri per le arti contemporanee, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligno; There is no place like home, Roma; Crossover, MAXXI Museum, Rome; Transfusioni #2-Federica Di Carlo/Luca Maria Patella, Fondazione Filiberto e Bianca Menna - Archivio Menna/Binga, Rome; Centre d'Art Santa Monica, Barcellona; From the City, Galleria A plus A, Venezia; Art is Real, una collezione impermanente, Palazzo Pasquino, Rome; Palomar; Arte nel giardino di Irene Brin, National Gallery of Rome; Un’opera per il castello, Museum Castel Sant’Elmo, Naples.
Prize, Residency- Workshop_
2020_ Résidence St-Ange, Grenoble, France
2018_Noa Noa residency, Bali, Indonesia
2017_The Spur Project - The Bureau des Arts et Territoires, Montpellier, France
2016_Studio MASS MOCA Museum, residency, North Adams, Massachusetts, MA.
2016_Combat Prize, special mention, Museum G. Fattori, Livorno, Italy
2015_Residency, #BoCS , Martedì critici - Alberto Dambruoso, Cosenza, Italy.
2015_Workshop as assistant for the artist Choi Jeong Hwa, Trasformers Exhibition, MAXXI, Rome, Italy
2015_Prize– Arte nel giardino di Irene Brin, tird place, in collaboration with the National Gallery of Mondern and Contemporary art of Rome, Italy.
2015_Un’opera per il castello, finalist, Museum Castel Sant’Elmo, Naples, Italy.
2014_Off Site Art, curated by Veronica Santi and Rodney Durso, L’Aquila, Italy.
2021_Mind the Gap. La vita tra bioarte, arte ecologica e post internet by Elena Giulia Rossi,Postmedia Books
2021_Arte e tecnologia del terzo millennio. Scenari e protagonisti, I Quaderni della Collezione Farnesina, Electa, Milano, 2020 by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, Valentino Catricalà
2020_We Lost The Sea_Federica Di Carlo, Manfredi Edizioni, Italy
2019_The Quest of Happiness, Serlachius Museum di Mänttä, Parvs Publishing Ltd
2018_Italy and the Environmental Humanities. Landscapes, Natures, Ecologies, Serenella Iovino, Enrico Cesaretti and Elena Past, Published by The University of Virginia Press
2017_“Ecovention Europe: Art to Transform Ecologies, 1957-2017”,Sue Spaid, Print edition ©2017 Museum De Domijnen Hedendaagse Kunst
2017_Bocs Art - Residenze artistiche internazionali a cura di Alberto Dambruoso, Manfredi Editori, Italy.
2016_Combat Prize 2016, Museum G. Fattori, Livorno, Italy.
2015 _Arte in costruzione – a pubblic art project for L’Aquila, UAO Edition, L’Aquila, Italy.
2015 _Un’opera per il castello, ARTE,M edition, Naples, Italy.
2015 _Vestiges, Yard Press, Nero magazine, Rome, Italy.
2014 _Federica Di Carlo, Edizioni Marte, Marchesi grafiche, Rome.
2012 _CO. CO. CO. - Como Contemporany Contest, Como.
2011 _Fabula in Art, Il cigno GG edition, Rome.